Go Fish

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20-30 min


A deck of vocabulary cards for each group


Split students into groups of up to 5-6 people. Have them deal out 5 cards per person and janken to decide the order. The goal is to collect as many pairs (or sets of four) as you can.

The first person chooses anyone in the group and asks 'do you have ___?' If the other student has the card, they say 'yes' and give them to the asker. If not, they say 'no' and the asker must take one card from the leftover deck. When students get a pair (or a set of four), they can lay them down on the desk in front of them. When all pairs are made, students count their pairs, the person with the most pairs wins.


  • Use fruit, animal, and color cards and students ask 'do you like ___?'
  • Use sport and instrument cards and students ask 'can you ___?'
  • Use various vocabulary and students match the right verb to the vocabulary, asking 'do you play/eat/read/watch ___?'

Suggested Topics

  • Do you have
    • Numbers
  • Do you like
    • Fruits, Colors, Animals, Sports
  • What ___ do you like
    • Fruits, Colors, Animals, Sports, Shape
  • Can you
    • Sports, musical instruments

See also