Flyswatter Game

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10-15 minutes


Flashcards and magnets Flyswatters, one per team


Split the class into teams (usually two) and line them up, giving the first person a flyswatter. Say one of the flashcards and students rush to be the first person to touch the flashcard with the flyswatter. The faster team gets a point and the team with the most points wins.

Suggested Topics

  • Fruits
  • Colors
  • Animals
  • Numbers
  • Months


  • Put cards around the room, not only on the board. This gives each player a little more time to think.
  • Give students only two chances to slap cards, this gives slower students a chance against the hyper active ones and forces them to think about which cards they hit. To make it even more difficult, give them only one chance and tell them they're stuck on the first card they hit.

See also