Okubo Clinic
From Mie Guidebook
Okubo Clinic オ久保 クリニック
- Mon - Sat: 9:00~12:00 and 15:30~18:30
- Thu: 9:00~12:00
- 三重県松阪宝塚町1509−5
- 1509-5 Matsusaka-shi, Takara Tsuka, Mie-ken
- 0598-22-0220
Walk-ins are welcome. If you arrive before they re-open after lunch, you can drop your card (insurance or patient card) into the box on the front door at return once they open.
Her office is located next to a Sunkus and across from a Dolce dress shop on Mie-Ko Dori. It will be on your right if you are coming from 42 and on your left if you come from 166. The pharmacy is next door to the clinic.